Saturday, September 10, 2011

Commercial Break: Barbara's Tips for Middle Eastern Living

Are you feeling brave and adventurous? Do you have dreams of visiting far off places? Would you like to move somewhere where you are openly gawked at, where you speak none of the language, and where people drive worse than drunk San Franscians? Probably not, not many of us do. BUT: for those few of you who are weird like me, I offer for free Barbara's Guide to Middle Eastern Travel: Jordan Edition. Below are a few tips to get you started.

1)While you should buy a local phone and pay as you go, it is ok to keep your iPhone in your pocket, even if it is turned off. Security blanket= totally normal.

2)It is impossible to access Netflix or Hulu from Jordan, so you should plan accordingly.

3) Water is scarce,showering is a luxury. Good news is cold water isn't that bad, just get used to it and scrub real quick. Minnie tip: get out of the habit of touching your hair, it gets dirtier quicker if you always have your hands in it.

4) Non-Muslim women do not have to cover their hair, but scarves are a girls best friend. They fill in the gaps in low necklines, block the sun, and can become an impromptu covering if one forgets ones jacket at night. Never leave home with out your scarf.

5)Visit Rainbow street, but don't live there. If you want to see Amman ask a local where to go.

6) Do not ask what your food is made of. Trust me. Just eat it,it will probably be delicious.

7) Not all toilets have seats. This can be unnerving, and I'm not really sure you get over that one.

8) Do not let anyone charge you more just because you are an American. If a cab driver tries to tell you it costs more than the usual rate tell him to pull over. Too many tourists let people get away with stuff.

9) Practice Arabic whenever you can.

10. Brush your teeth. Jordanians love sweet things, and the sugary coffee, tea, etc will rot your chicklets faster than bargain bin fish at a weekend souke.

11) If all you want to do is drink, club, and shop- stay in America. It's cheaper and the jet lag isn't nearly as bad.

12) Whatever happens, keep a sense of humor and adventure. This place is wonderful if you accept the fact that you aren't in Kansas anymore.

All the best,

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